This alien priestess holds the power of fire as she glides down to land in the desert. She represents the feeling of awe we experience when witnessing a phenomenon of nature or technology beyond our understanding such as seeing a creature or UFO fly overhead out in the desert in a way that is foreign to any plane bird or aircraft that is familiar. It makes the hair rise up on your body and your senses tune into life beyond our normal day-to-day experience. That senses of awe opens us up to an enlightened and heightened awareness. The priestess represents the knowledge to connect us and help us tap into the divine power of the universe all around us.
This wild woman was inspired by the cargo cult art theme from Burning Man in 2013. It was an idea from relatively primitive early mid 20th century societies of the eastern Pacific islands who were impacted by the technology brought by the US Air Force who landed on their islands during World War 2. Supposedly after the GIs left these people were waiting and watching the sky for their return. They imagined them like superior aliens with ‘cargo’ or goods that they could use to make island life easier.
My father served in the Pacific during WW2 and so the story resonated with me. I’ve been inspired by ancient pre-flood stories of Anunnaki or aliens from other planets with superior technology and powers, but I see them as feminine.
The fire she’s holding in her hand while not being burned was also inspired by images of Mark Twain and Nicola Tesla holding ball lightening or wireless power.